Rare and with an unusually attractive rendering of the bear
Los 1284
MYSIA. Hadrianotherae. Hadrian, 117-138. Hemiassarion (Orichalcum, 16 mm, 2.21 g, 5 h). AΔPIANOC AYΓOYCTOC Bare head of Hadrian to right. Rev. ΑΔΡΙΑΝ[ΟΘΗΡ]ΙΤΩΝ Head of a bear to left. Plankenhorn, Mysien, p. 62, 3 (this coin). RPC III 1629. SNG Paris 1091. Von Fritze 565-7. Rare and with an unusually attractive rendering of the bear. The reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Hadrian was a great lover of the hunt, to the extent that he founded the city of Hadrianotherai (the name literally means: 'Hadrian's hunts') on the spot of a successful bear hunt in Mysia. The head of the dreaded wild animal is shown on local medallions of Antinoüs, who must have accompanied the emperor on the hunting expedition, and on this lovely small issue of the Philhellenic emperor himself.
50 CHF
110 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 24-Feb-24, 22:41:30 CET
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